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BVHS Debate Team

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kale123's Reward Points: 26

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is the heart more important than the brain?
1 Added Argument Should Owning A Gun Be Illegal?
1 Added Argument Are Human Beings Alive Before Birth?
1 Added Argument parents or friends
1 Added Argument Dr_Batman Will NEVER Break My Faith In The One TRUE Gospel
3 Created Debate dr.batman is making his own debates *again* to agree to himself
1 Added Argument Knowledge and money
1 Added Argument How terrible is this webpage?
1 Added Argument Mobile Devices in Classrooms
1 Added Argument Why mental healthcare is important?
1 Added Argument If someone is drowning and you refuse to help, are you responsible for his death
-1 Downvoted Argument Guy named Silly claims Dr. Batman is violent but is violent himself. Hypocrisy!
-1 Downvoted Argument Leftist are Polar Bears Racist - Remember they are White
1 Added Argument Is Anything Black And White?
1 Added Argument Should age restrictions be abolished when the truth is that age never defines maturity?
1 Added Argument Farting in a crowded room- Own it, or deny it?
1 Added Argument What do you do when you are bored?
1 Added Argument If A Man Judges His Brother, But Is Also A Psychopath, We Call That Person Dr Batman
5 Created Debate atheism or theism
1 Added Argument Are we collectively naive?
-1 Downvoted Argument If you fought in Vietnam, aren't you pretty much just a baby killer?
-1 Downvoted Argument If you fought in Vietnam, aren't you pretty much just a baby killer?
1 Added Argument Facebook VS Twitter
2 Added Argument Leftist are Polar Bears Racist - Remember they are White

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